Client Requirements:
The client said he wants to use his own design and want to integrate it into the Opencart framework. I attached some design screenshots to the portfolio. The client provided a detailed document in which he mentions all the tasks which he wants. I am writing some tasks following:
- Add, Edit, Delete products
- Add, Edit, Delete categories
- Add, Edit, Delete coupons
- All eCommerce functionalities
- Custom cart page
- Custom checkout page
My Role:
I divided the whole product into 4 phases.
- Design Phase (Get all PSD files of design and make ready HTML and CSS code of the designs)
- Integrate into Opencart ( We integrate all the HTML and CSS code into opencart and make everything dynamic which admin can control from admin dashboard easily)
- FAQs/Testing (We tested every single feature and remove bugs, issues, etc)
- Deployment (We deliver the site to the client and gave him 24/7 support)